React Native kurulumu yaparken android ile bağlantısında yardımcı olur musunuz?
aserra@aserra-PC:~/ProjeReact$ cd /home/aserra/ProjeReact && react-native run-android
info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX. You can disable it using “–no-jetifier” flag.
Jetifier found 863 file(s) to forward-jetify. Using 4 workers…
info JS server already running.
/bin/sh: 1: adb: not found
info Launching emulator…
error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: No emulators found as an output of `emulator -list-avds`.
warn Please launch an emulator manually or connect a device. Otherwise app may fail to launch.
info Installing the app…
ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no ‘java’ command could be found in your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation.
error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up: Run CLI with –verbose flag for more details.
Error: Command failed: ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:601:13)
at execFileSync (child_process.js:621:13)
at runOnAllDevices (/home/aserra/ProjeReact/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/runOnAllDevices.js:94:39)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
Aldığım hata şu şekilde ama hiçbir şekilde halledemedim. Yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim 🙂
Öncelikle java son sdk yükle sonrasında genymotion ile react native adb versiyonlarının aybı olmasını sağla , geny motion adb kendi içinde kullanır pc de yüklü olana erişimi denemez ,
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